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Who We Are

Welcome to 901 Consulting, where our mission is to serve as catalysts for profound change, guiding individuals and organizations towards a future shaped by the principles of raceless anti-racism and Justice, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) facilitation. Below is a comprehensive outline detailing who we are, our guiding philosophy, and our commitment to fostering transformative change.

Our Identity

A Diverse Tribe of Professionals

  • Diversity in Expertise: Our team comprises professionals from various disciplines, bringing a rich tapestry of knowledge and perspectives to our work.

  • Unified by a Common Goal: Despite our diverse backgrounds, we are united in our commitment to promoting raceless anti-racism and JEDI principles.

  • Living Our Values: We don't just advocate for change; we embody it. Our team practices the principles of racelessness and JEDI facilitation in our personal and professional lives.

Our Philosophy

Embracing Raceless Anti-Racism

  • Challenging Traditional Constructs: We believe in questioning and dismantling the traditional racial categorizations that divide and diminish.

  • Promoting a Raceless Perspective: Our approach encourages viewing individuals beyond racial constructs, focusing on their unique experiences and contributions.

Citrus Fruits

Meet Our Team

Khalil Saddiq Principal

Founder and Co-Creator of JEDI Facilitation 

Khalil Saddiq

Bio (Coming Soon)
Michelle Hauge
Bio (Coming Soon)
Valeria Chambers
Bio (Coming Soon)
Karen Craddock
Bio (Coming Soon)
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Michael Thomas
Bio (Coming Soon)
Robin Reed
Bio (Coming Soon)
Tyona Ezeilo
Bio (Coming Soon)
Jeanette Callahan
Bio (Coming Soon)
Jonacthen Jackson
Bio (Coming Soon)

Anthony Suchman

Co-Creator 5-Hour JEDI

Jim Bell

Co-Creator of 5-Hour JEDI

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